SQLmap quick cheat sheet
Cheat Sheet commands
Basic commands
-u URL, --url=URL
Data string to be sent through POST (e.g. "id=1")
Use randomly selected HTTP User-Agent header value
Testable parameter(s)
Level of tests to perform (1-5, default 1)
Risk of tests to perform (1-3, default 1)
Enumeration commands
-a, --all
Retrieve everything
-b, --banner
Retrieve DBMS banner
Retrieve DBMS current user
Retrieve DBMS current database
Enumerate DBMS users password hashes
Enumerate DBMS databases
Enumerate DBMS database tables
Enumerate DBMS database table columns
Enumerate DBMS schema
Dump DBMS database table entries
Dump all DBMS databases tables entries
Detect if the DBMS current user is DBA
DBMS database to enumerate
DBMS database table(s) to enumerate
DBMS database table column(s) to enumerate
Operating System access commands
Prompt for an interactive operating system shell
Prompt for an OOB shell, Meterpreter or VNC
Execute an operating system command
Database process user privilege escalation
One-click prompt for an OOB shell, Meterpreter or VNC
Simple HTTP GET Based Test (Databases)
Simple HTTP POST Based Test (Databases)
get the
from Burp Suite
Using GET based Method (Tables)
Using POST based Method (Tables)
Using GET based Method (Columns)
Using POST based Method (Columns)
Last updated